Since day one, over 10 million pairs of glasses have been distributed through our Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program. Alleviating the problem of impaired vision is at the heart of what we do, and with your help, our impact continues to expand.

How It Works

2.5 billion people around the world need glasses but don’t have access to them;

of these, 624 million cannot effectively learn or work due to the severity of their visual impairment.

To help address this problem, we work with a handful of partners worldwide to ensure that for every pair of glasses purchased, a pair of glasses is distributed to someone in need. There are two models we employ:

1) Empowering people to administer basic eye exams and sell glasses at ultra-affordable prices.

(This accounts for the majority of our distribution).

2) Directly giving vision care and glasses to those in need, via cross-sector partnerships

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